Mobiles are placed above the crib to soothe your baby and lull them to sleep, making these a nursery must have. Musical crib mobiles entertain and capture your babies' attention with movement and color while playing a soft lullaby for an instant calming effect. Babies spend a lot of time in their crib. Placing a mobile overhead can help provide visual stimulation and brain development while they’re lying on their mattress.
We offer a wide array of musical crib mobiles to match any type of decor. Choose from beautiful color palettes of blush pink, soft purples, navy blues, or greys. Create a beautiful shabby chic outdoor garden for your sweet girl with our selection of boho watercolor floral designs. With one of our woodland forest animal prints, your little boy will fall asleep dreaming of playing in a magical forest with adorable woodland animals.
Our mobiles attach directly to your baby’s crib for simple and quick installation. Each baby crib mobile with music features a wind-up dial that you wind up to make the mobile turn and play music for the perfect amount of time to help guide your infant to sleep.
We offer many nursery crib bedding sets and nursery accessories to coordinate with all our items. Pair with security blankets, crib sheets, and changing pad covers to welcome your newborn home.